
Mary Dwiggins Field is buried at Black Walnut Cemetery. As of July 2021, no gravestone has been located. Mary Dwiggins was born June 1862 in St Charles County and married Josiah Pratt Field in 1879 at the age of 17. She died 26 Nov 1900 at the age of 38. Mary and Josiah had three children Charles, George and Lydia. The Dwiggins, Field, and Pratt families were all well-established in the Black Walnut Community. Most of the Dwiggins family in this area are buried in the Dwiggins Family Cemetery on Dwiggins Road between Portage des Sioux and West Alton, MO.

Betty Dwiggins updated us on the Dwiggins move to West Alton: Dwiggins came to the West Alton Area around 1849. Three brothers were going to the gold rush in California, failed 3 times, but one Dwiggins brother went only to come back and died of TB. He was gone for several years. Someone contacted me and told me his name was James and it was her gg grandfathers. One of the two remaining brothers was John Dwiggins who married Ellen McGinnis from Indiana and they had 7 children, 5 boys 2 girls. The other was Joseph Dwiggins who married Virginia Thomas also from Indiana and they also had 7 children, 4 boys and 3 girls. Their parents were Elijah and Elizabeth Howard Dwiggins from Indiana.

Field/Dwiggins family tree
1880 Census
1900 Census