We were very fortunate that his short life overlapped the 1870 census – where we found him. This information lead us to discover that his mother was Martena Ellen Mittelberger/Mittalbarger and we confirmed with Jerry Prouhet that his stone was found near the Mittalbarger family plot in the next row behind the Mittalbarger children. So while Deney is a new name and a new family, young George is surrounded at the cemetery by family – his first cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents.
Gary Simpkins followed the Deney/Denny family back to St Peters where his parents John Denny and Martena Mittelberger were wed in 1855 and where his father John died in 1862 and is buried at All Saints Church Cemetery. Gary located John Deney with assistance from the SCCHS Cemetery Records Database.
George Deney grave Stone photo by Jerry Prouhet 2021
Foot stone photo by Jerry Prouhet 2021
Martena Davis death certificate
Martena David obituary