
Marie/Mary Herle/Hurley Kirchdoerffer is buried at Black Walnut Cemetery according to the St. Paul Evangelical Church records which also show that she was born on 18 Mar 1851 in St. Louis and died on 2 Sep 1878.

This information is not in sync with other information on Ancestry. We are working to reconcile this church information with the Millenium File information and the 1870 Census that shows a Mary and George Kirchdoerffer and children along with Tillman Hurley and children living on the same land in Portage des Sioux.

No headstone was located for Mary during the 2020-2021 cemetery restoration. We are still looking for other source documentation to help us decide if this is the same family and the dates are incorrect on one source or the other – or – if we should be looking for a second George Kirchdoerffer family.